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The Mall Firenze佛罗伦萨与Vincenzo Dascanio一起唤醒春日
3月27日 - 6月4日

The Mall Firenze佛罗伦萨与国际知名的活动设计师Vincenzo Dascanio建立了持久的合作关系,通过“Awakening(苏醒)一主题活动庆祝春天的到来,我们将会看到一个致力于唤醒自然和身体的独家装置艺术,本活动将持续到6月4日 。

在鲜花、色彩和独家定制的活动中,一个空灵和内省的旅程开始了。旅程的目的是发现所有形式的重生:身体、精神和个人的,到访的客人将成为独特的三维装置的主角。其中,原创的Sleeper Lift(唤醒沉睡者)、Sounds Like Spring(春之声)和The Pace of Nature(自然的步伐):这三个以屏幕、镜子和绿色装饰组成的装置艺术,刺激我们的感官,再现了从自然界四季复始的解冻到开花的蜕变所激发的图像和声音。

在这个象征着能量和活力的季节里,也有预留给自我调整的空间,即我们的Workout Of The Day(今日健身)健身区域,在这里您可以聆听和关注您的身心健康。若您想从购物和日常喧嚣中恢复活力,可以转而走进Energy Box(能量箱)的大门,让自己在五彩缤纷的植物悬空花园中自由翱翔。

The Mall Firenze佛罗伦萨邀请您前来亲身体验所有春天的美丽色调。

The special workshops of The Mall Firenze

08/04/23 3PM-6PM
Easter-themed wreaths
Create your Easter-themed wreaths with colorful flowers, eggs and dried fruits.

15/04/23 – 16/04/23 3PM-6PM
Image consultation
Enjoy a private session of image consultation.

22/04/23 – 23/04/23 3PM-6PM
Live painting on merchandise
An artist will personalize the canvas pochettes with floral designs and the initials of the guest.

29/04/23 – 30/04/23 3PM-6PM
Decor the perfect table
A professionist of the home decor will guide you throughout the creation of the mise en place for the perfect table.

07/05/23 3PM-6PM
Create your pin
Create your pin with fresh flowers and other creative materials.

13/05/23 3PM-6PM
Image consultation
Enjoy a private session of image consultation.

14/05/23 3PM-6PM
Image consultation and make-up session
Enjoy a private color analysis session as well as have the opportunity to have your make-up done by a make-up artist.

20/05/23 – 21/05/23 3PM-6PM
Creative wrapping
Realize creative packages and cards using flowers, dried fruit and fabrics.

27/05/23 – 28/05/23 3PM-6PM
Create your centrepiece
Write your sentence on the paper runner, and then embellish it with flowers.

Save the date and fully immerse yourself in the shades of spring, reserve your favorite workshops by sending an e-mail to firenze@themall.it
