The Mall Club is ending soon! Shop and collect Coins until February 28.

Biochemically, love is just like eating large amounts of chocolate
Valentine’s Day is on its way, from February 10 to 12, The Mall Firenze celebrates ‘Love’ in its infinite forms and multiple facets with an extra charge of tenderness in the air.

And what’s sweeter than chocolate, the “food of the gods”? The one and only ingredient capable of peacemaking. You will be captivated by the scent of an irresistible chocolate shop.

Inside will be offered a delicious hot chocolate to be personalized with a selection of refined aromas: a sweet temptation to be enjoyed while hopping between the stores.

This initiative is intended as a small gesture of generosity to be appreciated first for yourself.

A ‘cuddle’ that generates a smile, it lifts the spirits making you feel much happier. Because loving yourself is the first step to finding love and enjoying time with others too.

The Mall Firenze
the perfect place to enjoy carefree time.


#selfcare #themallfirenze @themalloutlets